United we stand -
Divided we fall

– the USA founding father, John Dickinson

Our Vision
In the world of a rapidly growing threat landscape, our vision is to be the leading global network facilitating seamless cooperation and resource sharing among diverse stakeholders in cybersecurity, ensuring a robust and unified defense against evolving cyber threats
Our Mission
Fostering collaboration and coordination between governmental and private institutions in the field of cybersecurity, enhancing collective defense capabilities, and promoting a secure and resilient digital environment for all
Our people

We are in 5 countries

Over 100 people in the community are our most precious and essential attainment. Best in what they do. Professionals. Thinkers. Believers. Truly committed and dedicated.

About Us

United Cyber Defense

United Cyber Defense is a global community dedicated to enhancing cybersecurity through collaboration and knowledge sharing. Our collective efforts bring together experts from governmental, non-governmental, and private sectors to create a resilient cyber ecosystem worldwide. Join us in our mission to protect and secure the digital world.

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Our Scope

We expand the network’s reach internationally to facilitate global cooperation and knowledge exchange in cybersecurity.

Facilitate Collaboration
Establish and maintain partnerships between government agencies, private sector entities, and academia to share knowledge, best practices, and resources for effective cybersecurity measures.
Enhance Cyber Resilience
Promote the adoption of advanced cybersecurity practices and technologies across sectors to enhance overall resilience against cyber threats.
Capacity Building
Provide training, workshops, and educational programs to build cybersecurity expertise and preparedness among member organizations and the broader community.
Information Sharing
Develop and maintain secure platforms for real-time information sharing on cyber threats, incidents, and solutions among stakeholders.
Advocacy & Policy Development
Advocate for supportive cybersecurity policies and regulations, and participate in policy-making processes to ensure a balanced and effective cybersecurity framework.
Incident Response Support
Offer coordinated support and resources during cybersecurity incidents, helping affected organizations recover swiftly and minimize impact.
Research and Innovation
Encourage and support research initiatives and innovation in cybersecurity to stay ahead of emerging threats and develop new defense strategies.
Community Engagement
Engage with the wider community to raise awareness about cybersecurity issues and promote a culture of digital security and responsibility.
Sustainability and Growth
Ensure the sustainability and continuous growth of the NGO through strategic partnerships, funding, and effective governance.

Knowledge Sharing

United Cyber Defense provides a platform for exchanging information and best practices among cybersecurity professionals. Our forums, resources, and events keep our community informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and threats.

Collaborative Defense

We bridge the gap between sectors, enabling collaborative defense strategies that leverage collective strengths. This unified approach helps anticipate, identify, and mitigate cyber threats more effectively.

Training and Education

We offer comprehensive training programs, workshops, and seminars to educate individuals and organizations on the latest cybersecurity techniques. Our goal is to develop a capable cybersecurity workforce.

Our Minds

Management Team

We are happy to welcome every new member of our community. So, if you are a seasoned professional in cybersecurity feel free to contact us.

We can help realise ideas

Do you have a cybersecurity project?
Let's talk.

Contact us if you believe that your ideas meet our goals. If you share our vision for a safer present, reach out to us.